Bike Ride

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Yesterday my wife taught our daughter how to ride her bike. You might ask why am I choosing this to write about? What is the big deal hundreds to even thousands of children learn to ride a bike every day? Well, for now, I’ll just say because of the word postulate.

Two weeks ago at Raymond Aaron’s Mastery of Greatness event in Los Angeles and my official Book launch, Raymond introduced a word postulate. Well, I had heard the word before because I attend a lot of self-help training seminars and it had been used once or twice before.

My wife, on the other hand, has not attended these type of seminars with the same consistency and she was moved by the definition of the word. I know she was moved by it instantly because she immediately began to use the word. Over the next few days, she brought the word up daily and even several times throughout the day. I was pleased she was using it because its meaning is powerful. defines it as follows

verb (used with object), pos·tu·lat·ed, pos·tu·lat·ing.
1. to ask, demand, or claim.
2. to claim or assume the existence or truth of, especially as a basis for reasoning or arguing.
3. to assume without proof, or as self-evident; take for granted.

To further explain; to speak of something you want as if you have already received it or to assume with an overwhelming confidence that you will be successful at a thing. I like the word too but to postulate can be used negatively as well.

When one postulates a negative energy the result to follow will be a negative one. They set the universe on a negative axis and their result became as they visioned. So if you wonder why things happen in your life the way they do it is undoubtedly due to how you are postulating.

Well back to my daughter and her bike lesson. My wife first off is not the handiest person and rarely does she speak boldly about doing a thing but yesterday she did. She said to our daughter that she was going to teach her to ride her bike. She further postulated and said you will be riding today. I would like to add more background for better clarity of this statement. Our daughter just turned nine last week. We have tried teaching her to ride over the last three years with not a beacon of success. You see our daughter doesn’t like falling and didn’t want to risk falling to learn how to ride her bike. That was how I learned and so I was convinced that it was the only way to learn if one didn’t get lessons from a “bike whisper”. I had come to the resolve that one day when she desired to learn more instead of concerning herself with the risk of falling, she would ride.

My wife, however, chose that day to have her riding and place this milestone behind us. So they journeyed forward. My wife searched for videos on how to teach your child to ride on YouTube. She found one she liked that also minimized the risk of falling and they proceeded to a nearby parking lot at a local park. Within an hour she sent a video of our daughter riding her bike for the very first time. They had postulated their success. I wanted to share this story because of this powerful word but more importantly, if it is used positively it can change the world. I’m also very proud of both my wife and our daughter for tapping into this universal gift.

What are you postulating?